by Georgie Kingstone | Oct 25, 2019 | Entertainment
Goalies were worked hard on Tuesday on an intense Goalkeeper Masterclass. All those that attended should have received video footage of the Strength and Conditioning exercises introduced to. All should help you with your goal stopping game! Head to the website to sign...
by Georgie Kingstone | Sep 17, 2019 | Entertainment
IndoorHockeyUK was established in 2004. Playing at the Olympic Park in Stratford the Indoorhockey19 Championships saw 123 team spaces sell out in 72 hours! The demand for this year’s event has exceeded all expectations and we look forward to seeing the JK Hockey All...
by Georgie Kingstone | Aug 21, 2019 | Entertainment
Three more dates for goalie 1-2-1s with Chris Leek – 28th, 29th, 30th August. Get in there before term begins and start your season with a bang. Book a session by emailing...
by Georgie Kingstone | Aug 21, 2019 | Entertainment
Another summer camp came to a close today. Time flies! All 120 players should be feeling slightly more prepared for their seasons ahead and back into the hockey grove. Thanks as ever to the amazing team of coaches who provide such a friendly buzz about the camp. Dates...
by Georgie Kingstone | Aug 20, 2019 | Entertainment
Goalies were put through their paces on Monday at our Goalkeepers Masterclass. An intense day but one thoroughly enjoyed by all. Thanks to Chris Leek for leading the day. Chris is around at the end of the month for 1-2-1s should any local goalies want more coaching...